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People’s Best Friend.Marina Batrak, a teacher of English, Specialized school № 2 of Tsyurupinsk.

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People’s Best Friend.



Marina Batrak, a teacher of English, Specialized school № 2 of Tsyurupinsk.

Time:40 minutes.


Objectives for the lesson:

1.      To activate the vocabulary on the topic;

2.      To develop listening and reading skills;

3.      To  practice pupils in the ways of creating the comparative degree of one-syllable, two-syllable adjectives and longer adjectives;

4.      To stimulate pupil’s thinking and develop their creative imagination.



Language items to be focused on:

Grammar: the comparative degree of adjectives.

Vocabulary: recycling of lexical units (pets, adjectives).


 Type of the lesson: combined with multimedia approach to learning.


Equipment: 1. projector, computer, screen.

2. Microsoft Office Power Point 2007,  Windows Media Player.

3. individual cards.


 I.       Introduction.


T: Good afternoon, boys and girls!  

P: Good afternoon, teacher.

T.: I’m glad to see you!

 Ps.: We’re glad to see you, too!

T.: How are you?

Ps.: We’re fine, thanks. How are you?

T.: I’m OK. Look at the screen and say what our today’s topic is.

Ps.: People’s best friend.

T.: That’s right. What are we going to talk about?


II. Warming Up

T.: To speak English well you should pronounce the sounds correctly.

Let’s train the sound [t].

T.: Give opposite to these adjectives.

T.: Name animals and pets with the sound [t].


III. Phonetic Drill

T.: Are butterflies beautiful? / Are parrots noisy? etc.

Ps.: Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. etc.

T.-P1: Have you got a pet, P1? What pet have you got? Is it funny?

Work in pairs and ask each other about pets.


IV. Main Part of The Lesson.

1. Development of Grammar Skills.

T.: You see all animals are different. We can compare them. (Слайд 4).

Слайд 5: The dog is old. The cat is older.

Слайд 6: The cat is older than the cat. To compare two pets use  "than”.

 2. Activating grammar skills.

Look at the screen and compare animals and pets. (Учнi складають речення  з прикметниками у порiвняльному ступенi з опорою на екран.  Слайд 7- 20).

T.:  Try to guess grammar secret of adjectives. (  таблиця на дошцi)


Comparative degree













 Учнi  формулюють правило утворення Comparative degree та заповнюють таблицю.

V. Relaxing.

T.: Let’s go to the pet shop.. Слайд 22.

You’re snakes. You are slow. You’re tortoise. You’re slower. Run. You’re dogs. You’re fast. Jump. You’re rabbits. You’re faster. You’re mice. You’re quite. You’re fish. You’re quieter. Welcome to the pet shop. Слайд 23.

 VI. Practicing grammar in listening comprehension.

  Слайд 24. T.: Look at the screen. What pets can you see at the pet shop?

Which animals are quiet/ noisy/ friendly/ angry/ slow/ big/ small/ interesting?

Listen and answer the question: What pet does Mrs. Read buy?

VII. Physical  Warm-Up.

  Let’s play!   Game "Pass the envelope” .(song Dr. Monday)

VIII. Practicing grammar in writing.

T.: Let’s learn how to write comparative degree of adjectives. (робота за індивідуальними картками)

IX.Summing up.

T.: Youve worked hard. I hope you liked it.

 На уроцi ми навчились утворювати порiвняльну ступінь прикметникiв. Якi способи утворення ви запам’ятали?

X. Reflexion.

T.: Якi труднощi у вас були пiд час уроку?


XIIPutting marks.


XII. Home Assigment.

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Урок насичений, цікавий! Вчитель вміло підібрав навчальний матеріал. Дуже сподобалась гра "At the pet shop"! Обов'язково використаємо на своїх уроках!

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